Purina® Goat Chow®
Research-proven for health & vitality of all breeds of goats. Uniquely balanced for optimal body condition. Can help build strong kids into healthy goats. Quality, nutritious ingredients make up this wholesome formula (fortified with vitamins & minerals) for advanced nutrition. Highly palatable 16%-protein textured feed supplement containing whole grains and nutritious pellets.
Fortified with all the essential vitamins and minerals, such as selenium, vitamin E, and cobalt is designed to provide 16% protein from plant sources. Goat Chow can be fed to dry does, growing does, bucks, Pygmy goats, Show goats and as a milking ration.
Features & Benefits
High-quality wholesome plant proteins
No animal protein sources
Highly palatable ration
Helps ensure consumption ; helps reduce sorting
Key trace minerals
Helps maintain strong bones, supports fertility and immune function
Natural oils from pure ingredients
Vibrant skin
Proper calcium to phosphorus ratio
Supports proper development of bones
Vitamins A, D & E
Optimal milk production, vibrant skin and coat