Mackey’s My Soil Test Kit
The best lawn & garden starts with your soil!
Convenient Soil Test
- Easy sample submission
- Results within 6-8 days
- Simple solution recommendations
Test Kit Includes:
- Soil collection jar, nutrient absorbing capsule, DI water
- Soil scoop (to deliver the right amount of soil)
- Simple to follow instructions
- Pre-paid return mailing envelope
*Mackey’s does not charge a delivery fee to mail this kit to you.
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Why Do a Soil Test?
- Prepare your soil for a successful growing season
- Identify deficiencies early
- Solutions for your unique yard
What Does the Soil Test Do?
- Measures pounds per acre per day (Lbs/Ac/Day) nutrient release from your soil
- Recommends products and rates that regenerates your soil to match these demands
What does MySoil Soil Test Kit test for?
- PH
- Nitrogen (N) (Nitrate & Ammonium)
- Phosphorus (P)
- Potassium (K)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Sulfur (S)
- Copper (Cu)
- Boron (B)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Manganese (Mn)
- Iron (Fe)
- Sodium (Na)
What sort of recommendations does it make?
- Lime
- Sulfur
- Fertilizer
- Other nutrients
How large of an area is the test valid for?
- It is important to collect a representative soil sample. If multiple sample areas are being tested, we recommend separate tests for each area.​
- Problem areas should be tested separately from otherwise healthy areas
Ideal for:
- Lawn & Turf
- Ornamental Landscapes
- Organic Gardening
- Compost & Bulk Mixes
- Soilless Media
- Trees & Shrubs
- Food Plots
When to sample?
   Established Lawns
- Early Spring
- Summer – prior to the highest level of heat & stress
- *Late Fall (cool-season grasses) or prior to overseeding (warm-season grasses)
   * If only sampling & fertilizing one time a year this is the most critical time
   New/Overseeded Lawns
- 2-3 weeks prior to planting/seeding
- 4-6 weeks after planting
- Mid-season
- Fall (cool-season grasses) or prior to overseeding (warm-season grasses)
   Annual Gardens
- Pre-plant
- Mid-season sampling
  Established Trees, Shrubs & Vines
- Early Spring
- Late Spring/Early Summer
- Fall
How do I take a soil sample?