Honeysuckle, Cool Splash® Low Bush Honeysuckle
Diervilla Cool Splash® is a breakthrough variegated form of the incredibly hardy Diervilla, a tough-as-nails plant that has been used extensively in the northern landscape due to its durability. Found as a chance sport at Cornell University, this bright new beauty has proved to be just as tough and reliable as its green foliaged relatives. Widely banded in snowy white, the lanceolate leaves possess perfect contrast with vivid green centers and will hold fast to this distinct coloration even in a part shade enviornment. Clusters of small, sunny, trumpet-like blooms smother this graceful, compact plant in May and June, further delighting the eye. Cool Splash® will thrive in partial shade, is drought resistant and will inject just the shot of easy care foliage color you need in your landscape.