Coast of Maine Stonington Blend Organic Grower’s Potting Mix
Coast of Maine Stonington Blend Organic Grower’s Potting Mix is an OMRI listed, complex “super soil” designed for high performance growing in containers and large pots. You will not find a better soil for your tomatoes! Where growing cannabis and medicinal marijuana is legal, growers have also discovered the tremendous results of using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend Growers Mix! Developed for both professional and amateur growers, this blend incorporates mycorrhizal fungi, kelp, fish bone and alfalfa meal, as well as worm castings, peat, coir and lobster compost.
When growing, using 15 gallons of Stonington Blend Growers Mix, there is no need for expensive nutrients. This blend will save you time and money and give you tremendous results!
Available in 1.5cf bags – enough to fill a 10 gallon pot.